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Privacy Policy

Joan Al Kuwait is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. 

We have therefore developed this privacy policy to inform you of the data we collect, what we do with your information, what we do to keep it secure, as well as the rights and choices you have over your personal information.

Throughout this document, we refer to Data Protection Legislation which means the Data Protection Act 2018 which incorporates the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR), the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and any legislation implemented in connection with the General Data Protection Regulation which is the governing legislation that regulates data protection across the EEA. This includes any replacement legislation coming into effect from time to time. 

This policy applies to information we collect about:

  • Our customers
  • Visitors to our website or social media
  • Prospective customers
  • Professional contacts and suppliers of services
  • Potential employees
  • Event attendees
  • The information we collect and when

We only collect information that we know we will genuinely use and in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation.

The type of information that we will collect on you includes:

  • Your name
  • Address
  • Telephone number(s)
  • Email address
  • Details provided on a job application form
  • Your image may be recorded on CCTV if visiting one of our premises

This list is not exhaustive, and we may, in further dealings with you, extend this information to include your services used, records of conversations, agreements, and payment transactions.

We do not collect sensitive information except where we are legally required to as part of the recruitment process. 

You are under no statutory or contractual requirement or obligation to provide us with your personal information; however we require at least the information above in order for us to deal with you in an efficient and effective manner.

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How we use your information

  • To provide contracted services
  • To contact you following your enquiry and reply to any questions, suggestions, issues or complaints you have contacted us about
  • Process any application for employment
  • Keep you updated as to events or information you may find of interest
  • Where necessary, to verify your identity
  • Where we have a legal right or duty to disclose your information
  • Where we have a legal right or duty to disclose your information


Who we might share your information with

We may share your personal data with other organisations in the following circumstances:

  • If the law or public authority says we must share personal data
  • If we need to share personal data in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (this includes providing personal data to others for the purposes of preventing fraud and reducing credit risk)
  • From time to time, employ the services of other parties for dealing with certain processes necessary for the operation of the website. However, all the information we share will be collected and anonymised, so neither you or your devices can be identified from it

Joan Al Kuwait do not share, sell, transfer or disseminate your personal data to third parties and will not do so in the future, unless required by law.


Your rights over your information

5.1.1 Right to Access Your Personal Information

You have the right to access the personal information that we hold about you in many circumstances by making a request. This is sometimes termed ‘Subject Access Request’. If we agree that we are obliged to provide personal information to you (or someone else on your behalf), we will provide it to you or them free of charge and aim to do so within 30 days from when your identity has been confirmed.

We would ask for proof of identity and sufficient information about your interactions with us so that we can locate your personal information.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us as set out below.

5.1.2 Right to Correcting Your Personal Information

If any of the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or out of date, you may ask us to correct it.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us as set out below.

5.1.3 Right to Stop or Limit Our Processing of Your Data

You have the right to object to us processing your personal information if we are not entitled to use it any more, to have your information deleted if we are keeping it too long or have its processing restricted in certain circumstances.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us as set out below.


How long we keep your information for

We retain a record of your personal information in order to provide you with a high-quality and consistent service. We will always retain your personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation, and never retain your information for longer than is necessary. Different retention periods apply for different types of data, and should you require clarification in relation to your data, please contact us as set out below.

Giving your reviews and sharing your thoughts

When using our websites or mobile applications, you may be able to share information through social networks like Facebook and Twitter, for example, when you ‘like’, ‘share’ or review our services. When doing this, your personal information may be visible to the providers of those social networks and/or their other users. Please remember it is your responsibility to set appropriate privacy settings on your social network accounts so you are comfortable with how your information is used and shared on them.



Data security is of great importance to Maritime, and to protect your data, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure your collected data.  

We take security measures to protect your information, including:

  • Limiting access to our buildings to those that we believe are entitled to be there (by use of passes, key card access and other relates technologies)
  • Implementing access controls to our information technology
  • We use appropriate procedures and technical security measures (including strict encryption, anonymisation and archiving techniques) to safeguard your information across all of our computer systems, networks, websites, mobile apps, and offices
  • Only authorised employees will have access to your data

How to contact us

If you would like to exercise one of your rights as set out above, or you have a question or a complaint about this policy or the way your personal information is processed, please contact us by one of the following means:

By email:

By post: (address)

Thank you for taking the time to read our Privacy Policy.

Joan Al Kuwait


Links to third party websites

Our website may contain links to websites operated and controlled by third parties. Those third parties have their own information collection practices. We are not responsible for their information collection practices or for the content of their sites. We encourage you to review carefully the privacy policies of all websites, including those websites which can be accessed from this site.

We offer integrated, innovative maritime solutions to gear Kuwait towards operational excellence in the marine sector.


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We offer integrated, innovative maritime solutions to gear Kuwait towards operational excellence in the marine sector.


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